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Information on incontinence


Healthy bladder and bowel habits can help you avoid bladder and bowel control problems such as incontinence. Incontinence can have a major impact on your quality of life. If you or someone you know is affected by incontinence, it is important to remember that:


  • You are not alone - it is estimated that 6 million people in the UK are affected by incontinence
  • It affects both men and women, regardless of your age or background
  • It can be treated, managed and in many cases cured, and
  • There are many avenues of help available.


Many women experience bladder weakness during menopause. There are signs that the hormonal changes – a reduced level of oestrogen in particular – affect the abdominal muscles and can cause the bladder to change position, with urine leakage as a result. Below are some tips to imrpove your bladder health


  • Oestrogen treatment in the form of creams and vaginal suppositories can help manage your symptoms during menopause. Ask your GP what treatment is best for you.
  • Add some Kegel exercises to your daily routine. A few minutes of pelvic floor training every day can reduce the risk of leaks or even make them go away.
  • Drinking water is the best fluid for your bladder.
  • Before you lift anything, remember to tighten your pelvic floor muscles and hold them tight until you have lowered the load.


For more information on bladder health, please visit: 

Your Health