Useful Contacts - Mental Health
National Wellbeing Helpline/Hub
All health and social care workers in Scotland will now have access to mental health support 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the national wellbeing helpline and hub.
Trained practitioners at NHS 24 will offer callers a compassionate and empathic listening service based on the principles of psychological first aid, as well as advice, signposting and onward referral to local services if required.
The Hub is a partnership between national, local and professional bodies with a shared passion for looking after the emotional and psychological wellbeing of our country’s health and social services workers.
The national digital wellbeing hub will enable staff, carers, volunteers and their families to access relevant support when they need it, and provides a range of self-care and wellbeing resources designed to aid resilience as the whole workforce responds to the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Telephone: 0800 111 4191
NHS Grampian Counselling & Wellbeing Hub
As part of an ongoing commitment to improve our service GO Health Services have developed a new Counselling and Wellbeing Hub (for staff of NHS Grampian only).
When you contact the hub you will first speak to one of our trained wellbeing advisors. The wellbeing advisor will provide a listening service and signpost you to targeted sources of support. This may be all that you need but if you would benefit from additional support from our specialist counselling team or an occupational health advisor, this will be arranged.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic we are only able to offer face to face appointments if face masks are worn. We also offer telephone and ‘Attend Anywhere’ video appointments. Our service will continue to provide a safe, non-judgemental environment to enable you to explore issues which may be causing you distress.
Spiritual Care
NHS Grampian seeks to provide appropriate spiritual, pastoral and religious care to patients, their relatives and carers and to staff. This care is available to people with or without specified religious beliefs.
Moray Wellbeing Hub
Moray Wellbeing Hub provides access to support and provides a range of self-care and wellbeing resources.
Aberdeen City Council
You might be worried about Coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) and how it could affect your life. This may include being asked to stay at home or avoid other people. This might feel difficult or stressful, but there are lots of things you can try that could help your wellbeing.
Time for Talking
Time for Talking is an organisation which provides support to employees of organisations; this is often referred to as Employee Assistance Programmes [EAP’s]. The support we provide is psychological, emotional and practical.
Telephone: 0800 970 3980
Silver Cloud Health and Wellbeing
SilverCloud provides private and secure access anywhere, anytime to evidence-based, online programs that will help to teach you techniques that helps you reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, low mood or depression.
Use Access Code: Scotland2020
NHS Mental Health and Wellbeing
Advice and support from the NHS for common problems like stress, anxiety and depression.
Mental Health Self Help Guides
Online mental health self help guides covering an extensive range of topics including anxiety, depression, sleep problems etc. They are available in video, leaflet and audio format.
NHS Inform Mental Health
Identifying, treating and managing mental health problems and disorders:
Healthpoint offer a free and confidential health advice service. They are the public face for the local NHS. Our trained health advisors can offer free confidential information and advice to all NHS Grampian staff in a welcoming and friendly environment on a variety of health-related issues including mental health. Please contact your manager or visit the link below to find your nearest healthpoint:
Know Who To Turn To
The 'Know Who To Turn To' website also provides a range of helpful services available here.
Living Life
Free online courses covering low mood, stress and resiliency. Work out why you feel as you do, how to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm, tackle upsetting thinking and more:
Anxiety UK support those living with anxiety and anxiety-based depression by providing information, support and understanding:
No Panic
No Panic is a registered charity which helps people who suffer from Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety disorders:
Samaritans offers a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way about whatever's getting to you. You don't have to be suicidal.
Free-phone 116 12
The Drinkaware trust is an independant UK-wide alcohol education charity. The Trust is governed independently and works in partnership with others to help reduce alcohol-related harm by helping people make better choices about their drinking.
Beating the Blues
Beating the Blues® is an effective treatment for people feeling stressed, depressed, anxious or just down in the dumps. Based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the course is made up of 8 online sessions which last approximately an hour and help you to understand the link between how you think and how this influences your feelings and behaviours. The program teaches strategies to help you cope better in the short term and workable skills for life so that you can face the future with confidence.