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NHS Grampian Policies to Support Carers


A range of NHS Grampian policies can be used to help support employees who need time off to care for relatives or dependents either on a short or longer term basis.

Please note that some of the links within this page can only be accessed on NHS Grampian premises. If you do not have access to the intranet please speak to your manager.


Carers Leave


Short Term Carer Leave allows for up to one working week paid leave, which can be extended by up to a further working week of paid or unpaid leave, to deal with urgent unforeseen care needs. Thereafter and depending on the specific circumstances, a manager may agree a period of annual leave, or unpaid leave.

Long Term Carer Leave allows for the possibility of altering contractual work patterns to enable the employee’s family life and work requirements to be balanced for an appropriate period.

For the full Carers Leave policy please contact your manager or visit the link below:


Flexible Working


NHS Grampian is committed to the principles of work / life balance and recognises that, as one of a range of options, a flexible working arrangement may give staff some discretion as to their starting and finishing times each day. This policy details the procedure for requesting types of flexible working.


Career Break Policy


NHS Grampian is a caring, listening, improving organisation and recognises the need for staff to balance their personal and work responsibilities for a variety of reasons, e.g. to undertake a course of study (which is outside the normal scope of NHS Grampian’s arrangements for training and Professional Studies), to bring up children, to care for a dependent relative, or other significant personal reason.

The Career Break Policy is designed to enable NHS Grampian to retain valued and experienced staff who may wish to temporarily cease working.


Annual Leave Policy


The aim of the annual leave policy is to provide a uniform and equitable approach to the calculation of annual leave and bank holiday entitlements which take into account the entitlements and arrangements defined under Agenda for Change. 


Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy


NHS Grampian has a legal, moral and ethical responsibility for the health, safety and wellbeing of its workforce, both in the performance of normal
duties as well as during rare and exceptional circumstances such as a major incident response to an emergency or disaster. NHS Grampian promotes a
supportive climate and positive healthy working culture, where equal value is placed on both physical and mental health. The engagement and involvement of those with mental health disorders in the workplace promotes the reduction of stigma and discrimination which may be associated with such conditions.


Parental Leave Policy


NHS Grampian recognises that parents have a joint responsibility for the care and upbringing of their children and that work and parenthood can create
conflicting pressures. Parents need time with their children and time to create a supportive home in which their children can thrive. Parental Leave is therefore aimed at encouraging a culture of flexible working practice to assist staff to balance family and work commitments.


Retirement Planning and Administration Policy


NHS Grampian recognise that the change from work to retirement can be one of the more significant events encountered during a person’s life and has implemented this policy in order to provide employees with practical information about retirement.

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