Support and services specifically for NHS Grampian Employees

My Healthy Workplace




  • Modern Apprenticeships are available at four different levels and are all mapped to the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)Currently,
  • NHS Grampian are able to offer development opportunities across the 3 different Apprenticeship pathways;

Foundation – available for senior phase pupils in S5 / S6 over a 2 year period where they complete a vocational qualification whilst at school and is at the same level as a ‘Higher’. This is now recognised by many Scottish Universities as an alternative to a ‘Higher’. Currently available in 5 different pathways.

Modern – open to school / college students or pupils who have completed a Foundation Apprenticeship. Currently, there are over 80 frameworks to choose from. For individuals, a Modern Apprenticeship is a job which lets people earn a wage whilst studying and gain an industry-recognised qualification.

Graduate – is open to both new and existing members of staff providing an opportunity for them to obtain a degree qualification at either a Under-graduate (Hons) or Master’s level in a range of Business, IT or Engineering related programmes.

  • Your qualification will be accredited by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), so you can be sure that your skills, training and knowledge is relevant and up to date
  • Apprenticeship Programmes can take between 1-4 years to complete, depending on the level of the training programme being undertaken

Your Development