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Types Of Absence


There are different types of absence defined within NHS Scotland Workforce Attendance Policy which is available here: 

The policy should be referred to for a full definition. A brief summary of the most common absence types is provided below.


Short Term Absence

Triggers are prompts to initiate supportive intervention at either 4 separate episodes of absence or short term absences totalling 8 or more working days within a rolling 12 month period or for longer term absence 29 calendar days or more.


Long Term Absence

Long-term sickness absence is a period of sickness absence which lasts for 29 calendar days or more. When an absence has continued beyond 29 calendar days, the manager will normally arrange to meet with the employee. Where this is not possible or appropriate the discussion can be by telephone. A record of the discussion and any return to work plan agreed should be confirmed to the employee in writing within 7 calendar days.


Unauthorised Absence

Unauthorised absence is where the absence notification or certification procedure has not been followed. The precise time required for notification may vary from department to department but this should be done as soon as possible before their normal start-time.


Please ensure that you are aware of your department’s local procedure and follow it. If you do not know if you have a local procedure in place please speak to your manager.


For more information on the above and Attendance Management such as Absence Reporting Procedures , please look at the NHS Scotland Workforce Attendance Policy. 


Additional informal can be found in the Attendance Policy Guide for Employees: 


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