Support and services specifically for NHS Grampian Employees

My Healthy Workplace


Annual Leave


Annual leave ensures that every member of staff has adequate time away from work for rest and respite. There is an expectation on every member of staff that they will fully utilise their entitlement to annual leave during the holiday year. There should be mutual agreement between you and your manager. Requests for specific dates should normally be accepted and agreed and should only be refused if there are justifiable service/staffing reasons for so doing, if this is the case you will be expected to be flexible.

All new members of staff will be entitled to annual leave plus public holidays in the year of joining the organisation, annual leave will begin from the date of commencement in post. Entitlement in the first year is dependent on the number of days worked after the date of joining and before the end of the annual leave year.

If you change your contracted hours, this will result in a re-calculation of their annual leave entitlement based on the number of days on the new and the old contracted hours to give the full year entitlement.

In the case of part time employees, this will be a proportionate number. 


For more information on your annual leave entitlements please following the below links:

Staff on Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions

(Please note that intranet links can only be accessed on NHS Grampian computers, if you need further information please speak to your manager)

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