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How Drugs Work And Their Effect


Different drugs (including alcohol and tobacco) act on different areas of the brain and alter its chemical balance. It’s these changes that cause the feelings and sensations people get when they take drugs.

The effect of drugs varies from substance to substance and it is not possible to say exactly how a particular drug will affect someone. Drugs can be more harmful for young people because their bodies and brains are still developing. The same drug can also have very different effects at different times, depending on its purity (which can vary a lot) and the person’s mood, health, circumstances and surroundings.

Some drugs are more addictive than others and some people get addicted more easily. Some drugs can trigger underlying mental health problems and make existing ones worse.

Drug Group Drug Effects
Stimulants Amphetamine
Increase energy, activity, heart rate, blood pressure
Depressants Alcohol
Slow down reactions, heart rate, breathing
Hallucinogens Cannabis
Magic Mushrooms
Cause hallucinations (see, hear and feel things differently)

It’s also very dangerous to take several drugs at once. Many people who have died from a drugs overdose did so because they had taken a combination of drugs, often combined with alcohol.

For more information on how drugs work and their effects please visit the link below:

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