NHS Grampian's Step Count Challenge 2025 Results
Thank you to the 400 members of staff who completed the questionnaire at the end of NHS Grampian's Step Count Challenge. To see the results click here. The winners of... read more»
Thank you to the 400 members of staff who completed the questionnaire at the end of NHS Grampian's Step Count Challenge. To see the results click here. The winners of... read more»
Aberdeen Sports Village are offering NHS Grampian staff a chance to try out all of their facilities (including classes) for a flat fee of £10. Only valid week 17th -... read more»
Thanks to the generosity of Aberdeen Sports Village NHS Grampian is taking part in this year’s Corporate Games free of charge. Aberdeen Sports Village is one of... read more»
Riding your bicycle through the winter? Why not sign up to Winter Wheelers; log your rides for the potential to win prizes. https://www.lovetoride.net/uk/pages/current-challenge?locale=en-GB Sign up before... read more»
Rebel PT Free Taster Bootcamp Session Link: Local Discounts - Rebel PT More NHS Staff Discounts Link: https://nhsgintranet.grampian.scot.nhs.uk/portal/staffdiscounts/Pages/default.aspx read more»
Use code BLUE10 for a 10% discount on monthly, annual, child, and joint/family memberships. You are welcome to tour the facilities. Dyce hotel joining link https://theaberdeendycehotel.clubright.co.uk/MemberArea Altens hotel joining link https://theaberdeenaltenshealthclub.clubright.co.uk/memberarea/selectmembership... read more»